Elegant Broth Fondue


2 cans chicken broth

1 clove large garlic

1/4 teaspoon poultry seasoning

1 bay leaf

1 lemon thinly sliced

1 cup white wine

chicken breasts boneless without skin cut in 1" cubes

Shrimp peeled and deveined

scallops small

mushrooms small whole

cherry tomatoes


Combine broth, wine, lemon slices & seasonings. Heat to boiling & pour into fondue pot. Keep very hot, near boiling.
Use any combination of poultry, seafood & veggies, cooking 2 or 3 pieces at a time on fondue forks. Cook several minutes or until food becomes cooked throughout. Dip cooked pieces into desired sauces. The remaining broth is a delicious soup. Even the lemons are yummy!


Notes: Sauces: Quick Curry Sauce or Herb Curry Sauce, Cucumber Sauce, Honey Mustard or Hot Honey Mustard (purchased), Horseradish Sauce (horseradish mixed in yogurt or sour cream), spicy bottled BBQ sauce.
Serving Ideas: Do not serve more than 4 - broth will not stay hot enough!