I’m Wes Fryer and I love to cook, in part because I like to eat. I also love cooking for our family and for others. If you like the food ideas here, please follow my #CookWithWes adventures on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok and Mastodon.. (I was on the BirdSite but quit in November 2023.)
My “side food businesses” with my wife, Shelly, are “Fryers Funnel Cakes” (on Facebook) and Golden Texas BBQ.

This is my recipe sharing website. Learn more background on my blog post, “The Story of our Family Recipe Sharing WordPress Website.” I shared more recent updates (in November 2021) in the post, “Updating My Food Blog: Cook with Wes!” Use the category links on the website to view recipes by author and meal type. Recipes with explanatory videos are included in the “Video” category.

As of late December 2020 this site includes ALL of the “Ward Family Favorites” by Clara Ward, collected by Carl Ward. I converted the original ClarisWorks database file (via LibreOffice) into Excel and then Google Sheets, and imported the recipes into WordPress via WP Recipe Maker. I’ve also exported all the recipes I use on my iOS Paprika app as HTML versions.
I’ve started adding my own recipes (many originally provided by my mom, Angie Fryer) and some of these have accompanying videos. I’m planning to keep adding to this website as I continue cooking now, as well as using my favorite iOS recipe app, “Paprika.”
I periodically share recipe and food videos on my YouTube channel. Content there is eclectic, so I’ve created a playlist for my cooking / food videos. I frequently share food updates on Facebook and Instagram.
I’m very active on Twitter (@wfryer) but I don’t share recipes or food related stuff there much. If you’re interested in learning with me elsewhere online, I’ve created a page with some options.