Our Christmas Eve fondue dinner turned out delicious. Generally we go out for Chinese food on Christmas Eve, and have cheese fondue later in the vacation, but this year is different. We decided to have a “meat cooking fondue” with our traditional “Yodelers Cheese Fondue,”and my mom came through with a great recipe to cook in broth instead of oil. It was delicious! Here is the broth fondue recipe.

And here is the Yodelers Cheese Fondue recipe, which also includes an instructional video from a few years ago. This is one of my top Christmas traditions and I love it! Very rich, but oh so good!

Dipping foods for the cheese fondue included cubed French bread, which I set out this morning to air dry so it could crisp up, some warmed “Little Smokey” sausages, and apples. I bought Honeycrisp apples, but my kids had actually wanted golden delicious green apples. I will remember that next time!

For the cooking broth fondue, we had cubed chicken, shrimp, and cubed sirloin steak. I marinated the chicken with some Traeger rub, and marinated the steak with Meat church All Purpose Gospel Rub. It all was basically amazing.

We did not have as many sauces as The Melting Pot provides, but I think the choices were still pretty good. A favorite was a dill mustard sauce I bought today at Walmart. I don’t think anyone used the Dijon mustard. The Stubbs “Sweet Heat barbecue sauce” was great, and we also had some cocktail sauce to go with the shrimp.

One thing that was different with this fondue cook tonight, and several people commented on it, was my choice of beer. I used Boulevard Tank7, instead of my usual Coors Light or Keystone light. That choice DID really add a different flavor, and I think we all agreed it was excellent. (This was a fortuitous accident, because it happened to be the only kind of beer I actually still had in the house!)

So next time I could get fancier with the sauces, but other than that I don’t think there’s much I would do differently. A Christmas Eve success!